Tag Archives: renewables

Does the IEA’s new World Energy Outlook miss the global transition?

26 Nov

The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables will likely be faster than the International Energy Agency predicts in its recent World Energy Outlook. We are at a point when renewables are getting cheaper than fossil fuels in many areas, and that means a whole different game.

The solar revolution

13 Apr

In a couple of years, it is going to be cheaper to build solar panels in Hungary than nuclear reactors. And the best part is that it will not need any state subsidy.

Asian domination and cheap US energy forever

4 Dec

The IEA’s World Energy Outlook in 6 charts.

Trendspotting – the next 20 years of global energy

27 Aug

The world is either going to be constrained by the high price of energy, cook itself or it will use a lot of gas, barring a revolution in renewables.

Chart orgy about energy trends

12 Jul


A bit more than 4 barrels of oil. Or about 700 liters. That is how much oil the average person uses each year globally. And it has been the same for the past 30 years.

Energy costs are a headache for the EU too

30 May


The EU is getting worried about the high energy prices paid by European companies. Well, maybe they should have thought of that earlier.

Magic energy circles

17 May


In what does Europe beat the world, and what does America excel in? We were also inspired by the world map that went viral on the net last week: more people living inside of a circle than outside of it… We made a couple versions for the energy industry too.

New US energy blueprint: gas and oil gusher

19 Mar


‘The United States is on the path to a cleaner and more secure energy future’. But the President does not have much to do with that.

CO2-trade in the EU: The Zombie

20 Feb


Showing typical zombie signs: far from well and alive, but not quite dead, and acting in an unpredictable way.

The incredible shrinking Nabucco

6 Feb


A pipeline project is made of steel and political stability along its route. Both of these things got scarcer and more expensive in the past 10 years, while the alternatives became more abundant. Nabucco seemed to be a good idea 10 years ago. But then the world changed.